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时间: 2017-04-15 18:00 作者:浙江新闻 来源:网络整理 点击:

澳门航空成立于1994年9月13日,1995年11月9日投入商务飞行。澳门航空是以澳门为基地的地区性国际航空公司,目前,它飞抵的航点包括:北京、上海、杭州、南京、宁波、合肥、成都、重庆、天津、沈阳、太原、郑州、厦门、南宁、台北、高雄、河內, 蜆港 首尔、曼谷、大阪、東京和福岡。
Air Macau is a regional International airline based in Macau SAR, People’s Republic of China. Air Macau was established on 13 September 1994 and its commercial inauguration was on 09 November 1995. So far, our destinations include Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Nanjing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Nanning, Hefei, Ningbo, Chongqing, Guiyang, Taiyuan, Shenyang, Zhengzhou, Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Seoul, Bangkok, Da Nang, Hanoi, Kaohsiung and Taipei.

In the fleets of Air Macau, there are 10 Airbus A321, 3 Airbus A320 and 4 Airbus A319 currently.

There are 1,275 staffs in Air Macau by the end of April 2016, coming from 35 countries and regions all over the world.

Since its inception, the unique product of “ONE PLANE SERVICE ACROSS THE STRAIT” provided the most convenient and efficient transportation services across the strait which laid a good foundation for direct link happened in 2008. Until 2008, Air Macau had transported a total of 16,000,000 passengers from Taiwan area.

In response to the rapid development of direct link in 2008 and sudden change in the market, as the only one home-based airline in Macau SAR, Air Macau quickly adjusted the market development strategy and achieved the strategic transition successfully in a relatively short period. From providing transit service cross the strait for the passengers from Taiwan area, especially Taiwanese businessmen before 2008, now Air Macau is providing direct flight service to the passengers whose travel destination is Macau. The network of the carrier is expanded rapidly. The fleet is updated constantly and the cabin refurbishment has been completed. The new-type A319 with 16 Business class seats, brand-new A320 with 20 Business class seats and A321 with 24 Business Class seats are appreciated.

With the rapid expansion of network and the significant increase in flight frequency, the quality of interline service is improving continuously. More convenient service has been provided to the passengers from Southeast/Northeast Asia and Taiwan area to the major cities in Mainland of China via Macau.

In recent years, in order to meet the requirements of passengers, more convenient services have been provided. Air Macau has realized online duty-free air shopping, web check-in and self check-in service, etc. At the same time, carrier’s Privileges Mileage Frequent Flyer program provides numerous membership services and benefits to the frequent flyers.

Air Macau has maintained a safe flight record for 19 years since its inception. On 23 Dec. 2005, Air Macau completed all certifications of ISO9001:2000 and on 30 March 2009, Air Macau completed the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA).








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